Thursday, 3 December 2009

Scan me

Dad and I hit the shops today and we found some shirts on sale.

I'm growing out of a few of my shirts so it was the perfect time to upgrade my wardrobe.

We grabbed a trolley, and I stood in it and used it as a makeshift change room in the aisle.

I took a special liking to a stripey polo shirt and didn't want to take it off. Not even for the checkout. So when it was our turn to be served, dad asked the lady if she could scan me and popped me on the desk.

She thought it was very funny.

I continued to wear the shirt around the other shops - tags attached - and I didn't care.

1 comment:

Givinya De Elba said...

Oh now that is just lovely! And you've got a cool dad too. I think my kids' dad would have done the same thing.

My life in pictures