Thursday, 9 October 2008

Is he my sister?

That's what my new friend Claire asked her dad while we were playing this afternoon. 'No, he's not your sister, and besides, he's a boy', her dad said. Then, with more than a hint of surprise, came the reply. 'Is she a boy?'

I admit I was wearing my overalls at the time, which could get mistaken for a dress (if your eyesight was really bad). And my hair is longer than some other boys. And Claire is only four. But it still made everyone laugh.

Dad told mum to ban the overalls. I had been mistaken for a girl the other day, and I was wearing the overalls at the time. So he wants to ditch them. He doesn't want to cut my hair. Someone told me I had Luke Skywalker hair. Dad was very impressed. So, as much as some people want to find me back in that tall chair again, lollypop in my mouth, wrapped up in a Wiggles cape, watching DVD's, while my beautiful golden locks get the snip - chances are I won't be there for awhile - the Force is too strong!

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