Wednesday, 22 October 2008

Self sufficient

We were in the kitchen.

Mum was chopping up veggies and I had my back to her, playing on the floor with the box of little silver spoons. I pulled out a little wooden breadboard and began tapping the spoons against it, then I found a bit of museli bar (previously discarded) on the floor.

I put the museli bar on the breadboard, then with a spoon in each hand, began to stab at it until I managed to break a bit off.

Carefully, I loaded up the spoon with that little bit of museli bar.

Then, I say, very clearly, 'maMAH!' (my version of 'Amen') - nodded my head, and ate the museli bar.

Very cool.

1 comment:

Ben Tiller said...

Very cute. Were those silver spoons in his mouth when he was born?

My life in pictures