Thursday, 26 February 2009

Two men, one shop, no trolley

Mum told dad I needed some new PJs, he decdied we should go to the shop and have a look on our morning together.

He broke the #1 shopping rule. He didn't grab a trolley and put me in it.

We walked through the aisles. There's a lot of things at my height. Especially in the toy section.

I found balls everywhere. Dad thinks it's my sixth sense.

I did not want to leave the toy section, especially to look at pyjamas.

Dad managed to get me to the clothes section for a quick try-on of a shirt. He didn't take to the the change roms, he just whipped off my shirt in the siasle and threw the shop one on...It fitted so we bought it. After a few detours to the toy section!

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