Thursday 11 March 2010

Footy Chips

I am a footy tipper from way back. I've even tried my hand at the Melbourne Cup and an election or two.

You might have seen my work on Youtube.

Well, footy season starts again this week and Dad has been reminding me that we'd be starting to shoot our weekly footy tips again.

'Yes', I said. 'We will have footy tips'

This morning, I kept reminding mum about the footy tips. 'No-no do footy tips today!'

But Mum wasn't expecting my next comment.

'Yes', I said 'I will eat those footy tips'

Hmm, wondered Mum. Was that footy tips? Or footy chips?

We did shoot the footy tips. And then Dad gave me some footy chips.

Just in case there were any misunderstandings.

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