Sunday, 21 March 2010

Miniature Trains

Today we went to a park where you can ride on miniature steam trains.

I'd been looking forward to it all weekend.

We ate our lunch first and I kept talking about how I'd be going on the train soon.

It was very exciting.

So Mum took me to have a look at the trains coming into the station.

And then I wasn't quite so excited. I was a bit scared.

'It's okay, Noah', said my friend, who is five.

'The trains aren't really scary, they're fun'.

I was willing to trust the word of a five year old to the point of sitting on the train, even while I clung on very tightly to Mum.

And it turns out I had a great time!

Later on, I had just as much fun standing near the tracks with Dad, watching the trains go past.

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