Sunday, 28 March 2010

What do you mean no bunnies?

I discovered something the other day.

Mum was getting the spare room ready for Aunty Lyndall to stay over Easter.

And she accidentally left the cupboard door open - revealing a stash of Easter bunnies and eggs.

"They're for when Aunty Lyndall gets here," said Mum.

This immediately sparked a vigil for Aunty Lyndall* that's been going on for three days.

My first words after each sleep are to do with Aunty Lyndall and bunnies.

I watch out for her car. I ask Dad if we can visit the bunnies. I make casual suggestions such as "Want to eat my 'funnies, Mummy?" and "It's time for 'funnies now!"

But to no avail.

It might be a long week for us all.

* I do really love my Aunty Lyndall and not because there's a link between her visit and the prospect of chocolate 'funnies.

1 comment:

Givinya De Elba said...

There is much laughter here as I share the story of The Vigil For Aunty Lyndall. I too fear it will be a very long week for all involved.

My life in pictures