Monday, 29 September 2008


We had visitors over for dinner tonight.

While mum was getting tea ready I was having a case of my usual 'just-before-dusk-whingy-and-clingy-time'. To keep me entertained, and becasue it's hard work cooknig tea with a baby clinging onto your legs, mum sat me in my high chair and gave me fruit.

Lots of fruit.

Come tea time I wasn't as hungry as I usually am. So we said grace, the adults tucked into their food, and I didn't. I reached into my bowl, grabbed a handfuil of diced veggies, started my 'countdown'. On the count of three the veggies were flung in mum's direction - and into her lap!

There were some muffled laughs, and some stern words. And no more food throwing.

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