Sunday, 21 September 2008


Mum and Grandma and I went to church this morning. It was advertised as a 'traditional' service and so mum was on high alert to my every sound. From the moment we sat down, she popped a museli bar in my mouth. Normally food does keep me quiet, but this morning I was in a chatty mood and wasn't going to let a mouthful get in my way. So before the sermon had even begun we left Grandma and retreated to the babies' room. There were three other mum's in there already and three girls, all my size. The other mum's were all friendly but my mum was a bit worried by a sign she saw on the wall saying that if your baby puts any toys in their mouths, they must be wiped down with antiseptic wipes. At my playgroup we babies chew on toys with abandon. So mum stayed close to make sure I toed the line. The one time she dropped her guard, I picked up a rubber duck and gave it a big smooch on its beak. But we don't think anyone saw it.

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