Tuesday, 17 March 2009

From Dem to Sam

Today mum had to go to a meeting for an hour so I was sent to play with my friend Sam. When mum told me where I was going, I got quite excited and marched around the house saying, 'Dem, Dem, Dem'. My 'S' words sometimes get mixed up.

Sam has some great toys and I was on a mission to play with all of them. My favourite is a Bob the Builder workbench.

I like tools.

Mum came to pick me up and then we all went to playgroup. I did lots of running around and went for long drives on a little tractor. Then Olive and I played our yelling game. One of us yells 'Ahhhhh' at high volume and then the other joins in. Then some of the bigger kids joined in too. We quite liked the sound of five kids all yelling 'Ahhhhh' at the top of their voices. But the mums didn't like it quite so much.

When we collected dad from work I told him all about 'Dem'. He said "ssssssss". I tried it;

Me: "sssssssssss"
Dad: "ssssssssssssss"
Me: "ssssss"
Dad: "ssssam"
Me: "sam!"


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