Saturday, 19 May 2007

Home is where you hang your booties

Yes siree, I'm home. And what a first night! We finally got to sleep at around 5:30am. Mum was tired, dad was tired, and I was anything but. Cry baby.

Sometimes my entries overlap with the previous day because I'm not really one for keeping to a good schedule. But give me a break, I'm only a couple of days old!

Leaving hospital was a pretty big deal. We packed up everything (except my name tag, mum and dad accidently left it on the plastic bassinet I was sleeping in - but at least they remembered me!) and strapped ourselves into the car.

My first 'friendly fire' incident happened today - mum accidently caught one of my fingers in the seatbelt of my car seat. Ow! In her defense, she was obscured by dad and I was flailing about. i seemed to forget about it pretty quickly, but poor old mum felt rotten.

We got home and wondered what to do next. I didn't come with a manual, so mum put me in my little pram bassinet attachment and I had a bit of a sleep, a bit of a cry, and a little bit of a feed. I'm not as settled as I was in hospital. Maybe I miss all the drilling and hammering...

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