Thursday, 15 May 2008

Art appreciation

We went to the city today.

Dad had to pick up some computer stuff, some things from Ikea, and the Bonds baby search was on in the mall.

Dad reckons I am the most photogenic baby in the country, unfortunately another five thousand mums think the same thing about their babies, and the line was a little bit too long by the time we joined it. They told us it would be a three hour waut, and we weren't guaranteed a spot anyway, but they'd let us send in our own photo online later. So we decided to ditch the sea of prams and hotfoot it to the art gallery. Much more sophisticated.

We saw some Sidney Nolan paintings and lots of abstract ones (the abstract ones were all on the floor accessable by ramp - and seeing I was in my pram, we stuck by the ramps all day).

I smiled and laughed all day - even in the car - which was a welcome change from the wailing and gnashing of teeth that has accompanied any car trip longer than 15 minutes lately. I still found it hard to settle for bedtime though...

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