Saturday, 10 May 2008

Party time, excellent!

I had a party. It was good.

My birthday is next week, but today was Saturday, so we went to the park, put up some balloons, ate cake and played pass the parcel.

It was all hands on deck at the start of the day. Dad and grandad were in charge of the logistics, they went down to the park to make sure we'd have a good spot - and mum, my two grandmas and Lyndall were in charge of the food, they made sandwiches and cheese platters.

Whe we all met up dad realised there were no lollies. "You can't have a party without lollies" he said. So he rushed to the shop and filled his arms with packets of snakes and licorice and jubes.

Our party supplies;

3 plates of sandwiches
2 cheese platters
A bowl of chips
6 packets of lollies
A plate of carrot and cucumber sticks (got to give the impression that we at least thought of being healthy!)
Dips and crackers
Lots of soft drinks, two bottles of fruit juice, and lots of tea and coffee

Dad originally wanted to add barbecued sausages on buns, but that idea was overruled. He's hoping he'll be allowed to do it next year. Or in 2028. For my 21st.

We brought along some paints and some wooden letters that spelled out my name. The plan was for guests to get creative and leave their mark, and for the letters to go up in my room when we finally move in. Which will be sometime this millennium...

They reckon first birthday parties are more for the parents than the littlies, but I had a great time amongst all the grown up conversations. I scored some really lovely gifts too - books and toys and even some clothes.

I had a really late sleep, and woke up in time for a late tea. Afterwards I figured out how to climb down the stair in grandma's dining room. I went head first. Carefully. Everyone told me going down backwards would be easier and safer, but I did it my own way...


Ben Tiller said...

I hope Dad gave you some of those cool retro Party Mix lollies (I reckon you'd like the blue racing cars).

G3 said...

We had retro mix and party mix and even the milko, redskin mix...All the good ones. But I didn't eat any of them...The older kids did, but I'm still yet to discover the world of lollies...

My life in pictures