Thursday, 24 July 2008

Figuring stuff out

Dad and I had our weekly morning together, and unlike last week, I decided to have a big sleep in the middle of the day, which was good, becasue it meant dad could get some things done around the house, and it meant I was in a good mood after lunch.

Such a good mood, that I wowed dad with my fine motor skills. I was playing with my train. I like to press the button in the middle that starts a little song, and also makes a little cog turn that a plastic box with a toy elephant inside sits on and spins around. The tricky thing is, if the box is on the cog, you can't press the button down. I seemed a bit stumped. but I soon figured out I could take the box off, press the button with my finger, and then shove the box on top of the cog and watch the elephant spin around. Dad said it was really something to watch me figure it out. We had a good celebration.

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