Saturday, 5 July 2008


I didn't sleep in my cot today at all.

Not in the morning. Not in the afternoon.

But I did have a quick snooze while mum and dad were gardening. Dad was planting roses, and mum's job was to fill up buckets of water from the tank in the backyard and bring them out the front. My job was to sit in the baby carrier and have fun.

There's a big noisy dog next door - and he runs right up to the fence and barks when we walk down the path. He gives both mum and dad frights, but I don't seem to worried. I was so not worried that I fell asleep on mum's back after a couple of water gathering trips. It was the only sleep I got all day.

I finished up the day eating peas at tea time. I had fun picking them up one at a time,offering one to dad, then mum, then placing it carefully on mum's fork, and then popping it in my mouth!

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My life in pictures