Tuesday, 3 July 2007

Another day of firsts

Being quite new to this planet, there's always a good chance to try something completely new each day.

I went to the beach. Not that I even noticed, I was snugggled up fast alseep in my hug-a-bub while mum and grandma and grandad went for a walk on the sand. Next time I go to the beach I hope that I'll be awake, and that'll it'll be summer - because at the moment it's way too cold to go anywhere near the water!

Dad and I played computer games for the first time today too. I sat on his tummy as he raced cars. I was dubbed the 'navigator', but I don't think I really helped, especially when I threw my head over his arm and flopped onto my face. He said those types of lunges might not only hurt me, they might hurt our chances of winning the race by distracting the driver!

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My life in pictures