Saturday, 11 August 2007

O happy day

I had my longest daytime sleep for quite some time this morning, and it set me up for a very happy day indeed.

I did more smiles today than any other day before. And I even had some reserved for people, as well as the furniture!

Mum and dad went out by themselves for the first time sice I was born. Grandma looked after me, and I tried to be on my best behaviour for her. I didn't make a fuss when she put me to sleep, the first time neither mum or dad had the pleasure of sending me off to the land of nod. And I didn't fuss when she changed my nappy. But those newfandangled disposable ones caught her by surprise and I ended up all backwards in it!

No worries though, a backwards nappy still keeps what's supposed to be inside in, and we all survived. Later on I did do a fart while sitting on grandma's knee, and dad told me later it's not really appropriate to flatulate on your grandparents.

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