Tuesday, 16 October 2007

Talk to me

I like it when people talk to me.

We were visiting friends from down south today and I became very chatty with Ruth. And she 'talked' back to me in my own words. We chatted for ages.

I like long drawn out sounds like 'aaaaaarrrrrrrrr', 'oooooooohhhhhh' and 'mwwwwwwwaaaaaaaa'. I say a few and then wait for a reply. I also perk up if people gurgle like I do.

I especially like to chat at tea time. Mum and dad sit at the table, and I sit strapped into my 'chair of many colours' looking up at them. If I don't have someone looking at me and saying a few words I often get a bit grouchy. But if they keep talking to me I'll happily sit there for ages.

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