Tuesday, 8 April 2008

More words

Dad's happy I've added another word to my vocabulary; "Dadadadadad".

He heard me say it once, a couple of weeks ago, when we were having a wrestle in the morning. But he was sleepy, and later thought he must have dreamt it when all I said for the rest of the day was 'mumumumum'.

But there's no senying it this time. I spent a good deal of the day saying it. Often to mum.

It wasn't the only thing I said to mum. We had a fantastic time playing peek-a-boo. I even joined in, yelling ‘ahhh boo!’ That's two-thirds of 'peek-a-boo'. Mum says I must be very clever.

When dad got home from work I was back to the good old standard 'mumums'.

Around my normal bedtime we had to go out and do a bit of wallpaper removal, so they packed me up in my grobag, buckled me into the car, and by the time we got to the new house I was asleep. I slept right through the job, and even through the last minute trip to the supermarket to buy a scrubbing brush. A couple of hours later I was tucked up in my own bed, still asleep.

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