Wednesday, 20 June 2007

The gift of sleep

It's dad's birthday today, and I gave him pretty much the only thing I could, a big sleep last night.

Regular Long Lived Rockers will know I'm not one for big sleeps so mum and dad were very happy to be given five hours of it!

I also gave him a box of jelly beans.

We went to the shops this afternoon. In most shopping trips before I was born mum and dad qould often set off for something for themselves and end up with something for me, today they both got new clothes, and I didn't. Not that I need anything. I'm not yet six weeks old, and I think I've got enough clothes to fit an army of 56cm kiddies. Yes, that's right, 56cm! Dad measured me with the sewing tape, so it might be a little off, but I'm definately not getting any shorter!

So happy birthday dad, I can't guarantee another good sleep tonight, but I'll see what I can do.

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