Saturday, 2 June 2007

On giraffes

Dad once noticed that you don't have to look far to find a certain long necked animal printed, sewn, stapled, glued or drawn on any number of baby related products. The first present I received in the mail was a toy giraffe. The second present I received in the mail was another toy giraffe. I'm telling the truth.

There must be something that makes this African even-toed ungulate mammal 'baby friendly'. I don't understand it, but I'm just glad it's not dolphins. Dad says giraffes are much better than dolphins, and would beat them in a fight, especially if it was on land.

Anyway, with a name like mine there's a good chance I'll exceed the average baby/giraffe ratio. You've already seen the wall decorations dad made me. Giraffes! I've got a Noah's Ark dinner set and the main animals are...Giraffes.

Giraffes are obviously my thing. At first dad thought it was funny, now he's become a giraffe fan too. He's always on the lookout for more giraffes. I had a visit from Ben and Michelle today, and they gave me a very spiffy romper set (designer brand!) and guess what animal was sewn into the leg! Dad was impressed.

Did you know a male giraffe is called a bull? You don't see many bulls on baby clothes.

Oh, and on a completely different subject, I seem to have overcome my fear of baths today.

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