Thursday, 14 June 2007

One month!

That's right, we're celebrating every possible milestone here at Long Lived Rock HQ. Remember when I was a little baby who couldn't lift his head, and couldn't get the hang of feeding? Dad can even remember further back when nightly sleeps were eight hours. My, how far we've come...

I've been testing out my voice of late. Learning a few new sounds. I still mostly cry, but every now and then mum and dad hear a 'coo' or a 'boo'. These new noises are sometimes accompanied by a few, as dad calls them, 'pre smiles'. I haven't done a proper smile yet, the only time I've really 'smiled' is when I've done a big poo two seconds later. So we're not allowed to count that! But I'm testing out all my facial expressions, and every now and then dad says he can see what it'll be like when I do smile. He and mum are both excited...

There's also a bit of excitement due to the fact mum and dad think they've finally gotten rid of a squatter. I have been getting into a couple of bad habits lately, the chief one being only sleeping if I'm wrapped in mum's arms, or draped all over her chest. As comfortable as it is, they've told me not to get used to it, and I've been spending a lot more time in my usual place of residence. In fact, today was the first day I went to sleep in my cot. Usually wake up to find myself in the cot after falling asleep with mum.

I've also had a bit of wind and gas. I'll tell you more about it later, it's still too much of a sore point right now!

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My life in pictures