Tuesday, 6 November 2007

I slept through the race that stopped the nation

Melbourne Cup day!

We started today just like any other big sporting day. With dad making me pick a winner!

He wrote down all the horse names and threw them down on my playmat and the first one I grabbed would be my pick. Now, it's a little tricky, because I'm still not really mobile, so the ones laid out right in front were always going to be in with the best chance.

After a brief flirting with 'Purple Moon' I settled on 'Master O'Reilly'. That was good, it was the race favourite. Dad went to the TAB and put some money onto the horse for me.

By racetime I was having a snooze. And so was Master O'Reilly! That breaks my 100% winning streak. Stupid horse racing.

Fortunately dad put my name in the office sweep and I won! So I'm up a whole dollar on my first Melbourne Cup.

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