Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Ra ra ra ra ra

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but since I started eating my rice pudding I've started 'talking'.

The mouth movements are exactly the same as the first time I ate with a spoon, which is exactly the same kind of movement grown ups make when they chew chewing gum with their mouth open.

I don't know if I'm consciously practising the eating thing, but I'll be sitting in my chair and all of a sudden I'll start opening and closing my mouth, and a couple of seconds later I'll add the noises. It's the same thing each time, 'ra ra ra ra ra'. The only variation is the length of the 'ra's. Sometimes it's 'raaaaaaa'.

Mum and dad both enjoy 'chatting' to me when I'm in full flight. It's certainly a sight to see a little man like me in an animated conversation. Even if I only talk about the one thing!

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