Monday, 12 November 2007

My routine is anything but

For the last couple of weeks my sleeping and eating patterns have been all over the place. It started with our move to the new house, especially when we packed away my cot.

While other kids my age, and some even younger, have started to sleep the night through, I've been waking up a few times every night. On the weekend it was every two hours, and that made mum and dad tired, grumpy, and determined to get me and my routine back on track.

My proper cot is still in storage, waiting until we move into our proper house. I'm supposed to be doing my sleeping in the port-a-cot. It's in mum and dad's room, but we all know it's more fun to sleep in the big bed, so I've been carrying on in the wee small hours, and we all know how a whinge at 3am ends up, with three in the bed!

But enough is enough. Mum announced we are about to start a strict routine. No more two hourly night time feeds. No more staying up late. She's even brought in reinforcements in the form of formula. Dad's a key part of this campaign too. It's his job to get me back to sleep during the night, cause there's no way I can demand a feed from him, no matter how hard I cry! This is a big problem, because he's a firm believer in the AM/PM plan we used to have. He doesn't like being up half the night and having to work the next day. So after 45 minutes of me howling at 3am, he decided it was time to call in reinforcements of his own. That didn't go down very well, so all three of us were rather grumpy in the morning.

1 comment:

Ben Tiller said...

Poor fella. My children, Small Boy and Geronimo Girl, never slept well in their port-a-cot either. They thought it was very uncomfortable and scary.

My life in pictures